Jazz Enthusiasts...Players, Singers, and Listeners…Join us for a great night of jazz featuring local musicians!
Jazz Jam info:
Date: Wednesday, November 20
Time: 6:00-9:00 SINGERS join in at 7:30
Place: The Phoenix 5 Stowe Street Waterbury, Vermont
Cost: $5.00 suggested donation for all attendees
BYOB and...bring a snack/dessert to share! We'll have a table set up.
Players, you can join in on the songs others bring, and/or you can bring a few copies of sheet music for the tunes you want to call. Many tunes are called from The Real Books. Listen to a song from October’s jazz jam here.
Singers, please bring copies of lead sheets or sheet music for your tunes in your key.
It's looking like a fun night. We hope to see and hear you there! Nina and Anne
For more information about the jam call Nina Towne 802-461-5339.